ClearikonFLEX the Future of Wound Care

Our Vision is to provide our customers with products that are the State of the Art in Wound Care where flexible bandaging supports advanced drug delivery for faster recovery.

We have been dressing wounds the same way for hundreds of years. Gauze bandages are frequently changed to inspect the wound and reapply medicine. Removing gauze a bandage disrupts and reopens opens the wound exposing it infectious agents.

The Future of Wound Care is ClearikonFLEX

In 10 years, the notion of treating a patient with a bandage you cannot see through or removing the bandage to deliver medications will be outdated.

Our patented ClearikonFLEX Bandage System will lower the cost of care, reduce infections, and improve the quality of patient care. 

A nurse can easily do the following without removing the bandage:

The ClearikonFLEX will provide significant labor savings while reducing the risk of infection.

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